


Say, S. S. (ed.). 2018. Valentnostnye klassy dvuxmestnyx predikatov v raznostrukturnyx jazykax [Bivalent valency classes in structurally diverse languages]. Saint Petersburg: ILS RAN. (in Russian)

Articles and book chapters

Alfimova, Daria. 2024. Object marking in Western Eurasia. The Circum-Baltic area dissolves into the broader areal background. Journal of language contact 17, 281-314.

Shagal, Ksenia & Alena Blinova (accepted). Bivalent verb classes in Skolt Saami: A pilot study. In: Rogier Blokland, Michael Rießler & Torbjörn Söder (eds), Saami Linguistics in Uppsala. The 2019 SAALS 4 Symposium. Studia Uralica Upsaliensia, volume 42. Uppsala: Uppsala University.

Rostovtsev-Popiel, Alexander A. 2024. Odnorodnost, raznorodnost i pereosmyslenie: pervye zamečania po obrabotke kartvel’skogo materiala v baze BivalTyp [Homogeneity, Heterogeneity, and Reanalysis: First Remarks on the Processing of Kartvelian Data for the BivalTyp Database]. Izvestija Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Serija literatury i jazyka [Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language]. Vol. 83 (2), 64–71. (In Russian).

Studenikina, K. A. 2023. Glava 22. Valentnostnye klassy dvuxmestnyx predicatov [Bivalent valency classes]. In: E. V. Kashkin (ed.). Elementy gornomarijskogo jazyka v tipologicheskom osveshchenii [Elements of the Hill Mari language in a typological perspective]. Moscow: Buki Vedi. 478-490. (in Russian)

Blinova, Alena & Ksenia Shagal. 2020. Dvuxmestnye predikaty v saamskix jazykax v areal’noj perspective [Bivalent predicates in Saami languages from an areal perspective]. In: Ks. P. Semenova (ed.). Malye jazyki v bol’šoj lingvistike: Sbornik trudov konferencii [Minority languages in big linguistics: Conference proceedings]. Moscow: Buki Vedi. 25-33. (in Russian)

Say, S. S. 2020. Markirovanie aktantov dvuxmestnyx predikatov v novoaramejskix idiomax sela Urmiya [Bivalent predicates’ argument encoding in Neo-Aramaic varieties spoken in Urmiya, Krasnodar Krai]. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana, V. 16, Part 2. 654-689. (in Russian)

Kholodilova, M. A. 2018. Morfologija imeni [(Moksha Mordvin) nominal morphology]. S. Ju. Toldova, M. A. Kholodilova (eds.). Èlementy mokšanskogo jazyka v tipologičeskom osveščenii. Moscow: Buki Vedi. 63–121. (in Russian) (see especially section

Muravʹëva A. M., M. A. Kholodilova. 2018. Poslelogi i reljacionnye imena [(Moksha Mordvin) postpositions and relational nouns]. S. Ju. Toldova, M. A. Kholodilova (eds.). Èlementy mokšanskogo jazyka v tipologičeskom osveščenii. Moscow: Buki Vedi. 212–271. (in Russian) (see especially section

Ovsjannikova, M. A. 2018. Kodirovanie učastnikov pri dvuxmestnyx predikatax v lesnom dialekte èneckogo jazyka [Bivalent predicates’ argument encoding in the Forest dialect of Enets]. Uralo-altajskie issledovanija, № 1 (28). 50–69. (in Russian)

Say, S. S. 2017. Leksičeskoe raspredelenie perexodnyx i neperexodnyx dvuxmestnyx glagolov v indoevropejskix jazykax: kvantitativno-tipologičeskoe issledovanie [Lexical distribution of transitive and intransitive bivalent verbs in the Indo-European languages: a quantitative-typological study]. N. N. Kazanskij (ed.). Indoevropejskoe jazykoznanie i klassičeskaja filologija-XXI. Materialy čtenij, posvjaščennyx pamjati professora Iosifa Moiseeviča Tronskogo. 26–28 ijunja, 2017. Saint Petersburg: Nauka. S. 714–747. (in Russian)

Nekrasova, G. A., E. N. Sergeeva. 2014. Variativnostʹ argumentnoj struktury dvuxmestnyx predikatov v komi-permjackom jazyke [Bivalent predicates’ argument structure variability in Komi-Permyak]. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana, V. 10, Part 1. 810–820. (in Russian)

Say, Sergey. 2014. Bivalent Verb Classes in the Languages of Europe: A Quantitative Typological Study. Language dynamics and change, 4 (1). 116–166. (Prefinal proof as of 26.05.2014)

Mishchenko, D. F. 2013a. Markirovanie argumentov mnogomestnyx predikatov v jazykax mande: k izučeniju estestvennyx klassov predikatnyx leksem [Polyvalent predicates’ argument marking in the Mande languages: a study on natural classes of predicate lexemes]. A. Ju. Želtov (ed.). Afrikanskij sbornik – 2013. Saint Petersburg: MAÈ RAN. 396–410. (in Russian)

Nekrasova, G. A., E. N. Sergeeva. 2013. Nekanoničeskoe markirovanie aktantov dvuxmestnyx predikatov v komi-permjackom jazyke [Non-canonical marking of bivalent predicates’ arguments in Komi-Permyak]. A. G. Musanov (ed.). Voprosy permskoj dialektologii i polevye issledovanija: tradicii i perspektivy. Sbornik statej. Syktyvkar. 109–116. (in Russian)

Mishchenko, D. F. 2012. Sravnitelʹnyj analiz nekanoničeskix dvuxmestnyx predikatov v russkom jazyke i v ingermanlandskom dialekte finskogo jazyka [A comparative study of non-canonical bivalent predicates in Russian and in the Ingrian dialect of Finnish]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogičeskogo universiteta, 1 (116). 70–74. (in Russian)

Say, S. S. 2011a. Nekanoničeskoe markirovanie aktantov mnogomestnyx predikatov: opyt kvantitativno-tipologičeskogo issledovanija [Non-canonical marking of polyvalent predicates’ arguments: an essay of a quantitative-typological study]. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. V. 7, Part 3. Saint Petersburg: Nauka. 424–430. (in Russian)

Mishchenko, D. F. 2010. Nekanoničeskoe markirovanie aktantov dvuxmestnyx predikatov v ingermanlandskom dialekte finskogo jazyka: k voprosu o estestvennyx klassax predikatov [Non-canonical marking of bivalent predicates’ arguments in the Ingrian dialect of Finnish: towards natural classes of predicates]. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. V. 6, Part 3. Saint Petersburg: Nauka. 127–132. (in Russian)

Qualification papers and unpublished manuscripts

Romanova, Nina. 2024. Etimologicheskoe rodstvo i markirovanie aktantov dvuxvalentnyx predikatov v romanskix jazykax (na materiale bazy dannyx BivalTyp) [Etymological relatedness and argument marking of bivalent predicates in Romance languages (based on the BivalTyp database)]. Third year term paper. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University. (in Russian)

Aplonova, Katya. 2018. Typological survey of transitivity. Final project for the course “Linguistic data: quantitative analysis and visualization”. Moscow: NRU Higher School of Economics. 20.06.2018.

Orestova, M. P. 2018. Sootvetstvija leksičeskix i grammatičeskix sredstv kodirovanija dvuxmestnyx situacij vnutri slavjanskoj gruppy jazykov [Correspondences between lexical and grammatical encoding devices of bivalent situations in the Slavic languages]. Second year term paper. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University. (in Russian)

Tepluxina, E. V. 2018. Markirovanie aktantov dvuxmestnyx predikatov v azerbajdžanskom jazyke [Bivalent verb classes in Azebaijani]. First year term paper. Saint Petersburg: NRU Higher School of Economics. (in Russian)

Azargaeva, A. V. 2016. Valentnostnye klassy dvuxmestnyx glagolov v burjatskom jazyke [Valency classes of bivalent verbs in the Buriat language]. Second year term paper. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University. (in Russian)

Perkova, Natalia. 2013. Non-canonical argument marking in two-place predication: the case of the Baltic languages. Unpublished paper, Stockholm.

Selected conference talks

Rostovtsev-Popiel, Alexander. 2024. Case-Marking Alignment in Kartvelian: An Insight from the BivalTyp Database. Paper presented at the First Eurasian Congress of Linguists. Moscow, December 9-13, 2024.

Romanova, Nina. 2024. Svjaz’ markirovanija aktantov i etimologicheskogo rodstva dvuxvalentnyx predikatov v romanskix jazykax [The relationship between argument marking and the etymological relatedness of bivalent predicates in Romance languages]. Paper presented at the 21st Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars. Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS, St. Petersburg. November 21–23, 2024. (in Russian)

Zabelina, Elizaveta. 2024. Markirovanie aktantov emotivnyx predikatov v xindi [Argument marking in Hindi emotive predicates]. Paper presented at the 4th "Dubyanskiy readings". Moscow, September 25-27, 2024. (in Russian)

Rostovtsev-Popiel, Alexander. 2023. Dvuxvalentnye glagoly v kartvel'skix jazykax skvoz' prizmu tipologicheskoj bazy dannyx dvixvalentnyx glagolov (BivalTyp) [Bivalent verbs in Kartvelian languages through the prism of the BivalTyp typological database]. Paper presented at the II International Linguistic and Anthropological Congress of Caucasian Studies. Tbilisi, October 17-19, 2023. (in Russian)

Kirill Kozhanov, Sergey Say. 2023. Genealogy vs. contact configuration: argument coding across Romani dialects in Europe. 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. August 29 – September 1, 2023.

Say, Sergey. 2023. Cross-linguistic variability in complexity of valency class systems: implications for efficiency. Efficiency in grammar: Patterns and explanations. University of Freiburg. July 5, 2023.

Say, Sergey. 2023. Understanding argument roles through the prism of BivalTyp (a typological database of bivalent verbs and their encoding frames). Linguistische Werkstatt. Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. 31. Mai 2023.

Chistyakova, D. G. & D.A. Ryzhova. 2023. Kodirovanie argumentov dvuxmestnyx predikatov v shugnanskom yazyke [Argument encoding in Shughni bivalent verbs]. Paper presented at the seminar for Iranian studies, NRU Higher School of Economics and Institute of Linguistics, Moscow. March 31, 2023.

Say, Sergey. Measuring predictability of argument realization patterns in bivalent verbs. Talk at the EDAP 2023 (Explaining the cross-linguistic distribution of argument-coding patterns) conference. University of Potsdam. March 21-23, 2023.

Say, Sergey. 2023. Predictability of bivalent argument encoding patterns. Talk at the “Forschungsschwerpunkte der Finnougristik” seminar. LMU, Munich. January 30, 2023.

Alfimova, Daria. 2021. Circum-Baltic object marking against a broader areal perspective. Paper presented at the 18th Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars. Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS, St. Petersburg. November 25-27, 2021.

Say, Sergey & Dmitry Nikolaev. 2020. 17th Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars. Institute for Linguistic Studies. St. Petersburg, November 19–21, 2020. Launch of BivalTyp: Typological database of bivalent verbs and their encoding frames ( Slides, video.

Blinova, Alena, Sophya Rachinskaya & Ksenia Shagal. 2020. Dvuxmestnye predikaty v saamskix jazykax [Bivalent verb classes in Saami languages]. Paper presented at the conference Minority Languages in Big Linguistics. Moscow State University. April 17–18, 2020. (in Russian)

Blinova, Alena & Ksenia Shagal. 2019. Bivalent verb classes in Skolt Saami: A pilot study. Paper presented at the 4th Saami Linguistics Symposium (SAALS 4). Uppsala University, November 14–15, 2019.

Say, Sergey. 2018. Valency classes in an areal typological perspective. Invited talk at the International Summer School «Areal linguistics & languages of Russia». NRU Higher School of Economics, Voronovo campus, Moscow. September 10–13, 2018.

Shagal, Ksenia & Sergey Say. 2018. Bivalent verb classes in Uralic languages. Paper presented at the XLV Annual Conference of Linguistics (Kielitieteen päivät). University of Helsinki. May 7–9, 2018.

Say, Sergey. 2017a. Bivalent verb classes in the languages of Northern Eurasia: genetic and areal factors. Paper presented at the 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT). Australian National University, Canberra. December 12–14, 2017.

Say, S. S. 2017b. Leksičeskoe raspredelenie perexodnyx i neperexodnyx dvuxmestnyx glagolov v indoevropejskix jazykax: kvantitativno-tipologičeskoe issledovanie [Lexical distribution of transitive and intransitive bivalent verbs in the Indo-European languages: a quantitative-typological study]. Paper presented at the «Indoevropejskoe jazykoznanie i klassičeskaja filologija-XXI» conference. St. Petersburg, ILS RAN. June 26–28, 2017. (in Russian)

Ovsjannikova, M. A. 2016. Valency classes of two-place predicates in Forest Enets. Paper presented at the 6th International conference on Samoyedic studies. Moscow, Institue of Linguistics. September 8–10, 2016.

Say, S. S. 2014. Valentnostnye klassy dvuxmestnyx glagolov v jazykax Evropy (i ne tolʹko) [Bivalent verbs’ valency classes in the languages of Europe (and beyond)]. Paper presented at the seminar on "Some applications of mathematical methods in linguistics, co-ordinated by M. R. Pentus, P. M. Arkadiev, A. Č. Piperski & V. A. Uspenskij. Moscow State University. October 18, 2014. (in Russian)

Say, Sergey. 2013. Bivalent verb classes: a quantitative-typological assessment. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT 10). University of Leipzig. August 15–18, 2013.

Say, Sergey. 2012. Two-place verb classes: towards measuring (dis)similarity between the languages of Europe. Paper presented at the Phylometric and phylogenetic approaches in the humanities. University of Bern. November 22–24, 2012.

Say, Sergey. 2012. Two-place (in)transitives in European languages: A quantitative typological study of verb classes. Paper presented at the “Patterns of Diversification and Contact” conference. Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wettenschappen. December 11–14, 2012.

Say, S. S. 2011. Nekanoničeskoe markirovanie aktantov dvuxmestnyx predikatov v jazykax Evropy i Severnoj i Centralʹnoj Azii [Non-canonical marking of bivalent predicates’ arguments in the languages of Europe and North and Central Asia]. Paper presented at the “XXVI Dulʹzonovskie čtenija” conference. Tomsk State Pedagogical University. June 24–28, 2011.

Selected conference abstracts

Alfimova, Daria. 2021. Circum-Baltic object marking against a broader areal perspective. D. F. Mishchenko, D. V. Gerasimov (eds.). Vosemnadcataja konferencija po tipologii i grammatike dlja molodyx issledovatelej. Tezisy dokladov. St. Petersburg: ILI RAN. 216-220.

Mishchenko, D. F. 2013b. Markirovanie argumentov mnogomestnyx predikatov v jazykax mande: k estestvennoj klassifikacii predikatnyx leksem [Polyvalent predicates’ argument marking in the Mande languages: towards a natural classification of predicate lexemes]. N. N. Dʹjakov, A. S. Matveev (eds.). Lokalʹnoe nasledie i globalʹnaja perspektiva. «Tradicionalizm» i «revoljucionizm» na Vostoke. XXVII meždunarodnaja konferencija po istočnikovedeniju i istoriografii stran Azii i Afriki, 24–26 aprelja 2013 g.: Tezisy dokladov. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, 2013. 235–236. (in Russian)

Mishchenko, D. F. 2011. Nekanoničeskoe markirovanie aktantov dvuxmestnyx predikatov v russkom jazyke i v ingermanlandskom dialekte finskogo jazyka: kontrastivnoe issledovanie [Non-canonical marking of bivalent predicates’ arguments in Russian and in the Ingrian dialect of Finnish: a contrastive study]. Tezisy dokladov 26-oj Meždunarodnoj konferencii «Dulʹzonovskie Čtenija», posvjaščënnoj 110-letiju so dnja roždenija Andreja Petroviča Dulʹzona i 80-letnemu jubileju fakulʹteta inostrannyx jazykov TGPU. 24–28 ijunja 2011. Tomsk: TGPU. 57–59. (in Russian)

Say, S. S. 2011b. Nekanoničeskoe markirovanie aktantov dvuxmestnyx predikatov v jazykax Rossii [Non-canonical marking of bivalent predicates’ arguments in the languages of Russia]. Sbornik tezisov dokladov 26-oj Meždunarodnoj konferencii «Dulʹzonovskie čtenija», posvjaščennoj 110-letiju so dnja roždenija A. P. Dulʹzona i 80-letnemu jubileju fakulʹteta inostrannyx jazykov TGPU. 24–28 ijunja 2011. Tomsk: TGPU. 77–80. (in Russian)